Mental Health Book Clubs

Are you looking for ways to grow and develop as a person?

Do you have shyness, depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem? Do you find it hard to assert yourself in your personal relationships, social gatherings or in the workplace? If so, you’re not alone. It’s quite common for people to struggle with confidence and self-esteem issues, especially if they have experienced traumatic events in their life.

The good news is Vibrant Women Wellness Counseling (VWWC) is here to help. 

If you’re looking for a way to develop and grow as a person so that you can be a better version of yourself, consider joining our book club, in addition to receiving  psychotherapy services.

Mental health Book clubs are a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance cognitive function, improve communication skills, increase social connection, and promote a sense of belonging and purpose. 

Our bookclub is an opportunity for developing an authentic social connection with others. Our book clubs cover various topics including confidence-building, anxiety and depression management, and health and wellness. If you reside in New York or New Jersey we would love for you to join us virtually. 

Realize the impact of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem on your life through discussing book content, and connect with others looking to also grow and develop as a person.

Vibrant Women Wellness Counseling (VWWC) offers mental health book clubs, guided and moderated by mental health professionals.

Our book clubs aim to provide an additional source of support for women interested to be proactive about developing themselves. 

Our book clubs involve a group of people coming together dealing with similar issues that share their stories and experiences and support one another.

By joining the book club meetings you will have an enlightening opportunity to hear different perspectives, and receive support and encouragement from other participants in a safe and confidential environment.

woman sitting in front of computer
woman reading a book by the computer

Join Our Mental Health Book club

Are you ready to connect with others also interested in personal development? VWWC’s mental health book clubs are designed for individuals who want to learn to think about themselves and their lives in healthy ways. 

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