Welcome to Vibrant Women Wellness Counseling, I am

Katherine Rivera, MHC

Katherine Rivera picture

Katherine Rivera is a mental health counseling intern currently completing her Master’s degree at Alliance University. She is bilingual in Spanish, and specializes in working with mothers of all ages to work through the changes and stages of motherhood. She helps women to feel encouraged and empowered in their daily lives, in and outside of the home. She fosters an atmosphere that is welcoming and nurturing while addressing day to day challenges with clients.

What to Expect When Working With Katherine Rivera:
In a session with me you will expect an atmosphere that is welcoming, encouraging, and supportive. I will provide a safe environment where women can discuss intimate feelings of loss, stress, anxiety and/or depression. We will collaborate to create tangible goals and utilize resources to promote positive change. I welcome mothers in varying stages of motherhood including parenting newborns, toddlers, teenagers, and young adults to help you prepare for the empty-nest stage.

Through the use of CBT, I support new mothers as they find ways to adjust to their new life and role as mom. We will discuss postpartum depression and facilitate psychoeducation. We will address how motherhood has changed you and/or your family dynamic; and we will evaluate self-care, identify false
beliefs, and work towards positive mental health.

In a group session with me you will be provided with psycho-education, a variety of tools and resources to aid you with self-care, and an environment that promotes social, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

En Español

Doy la bienvenida a las mujeres en diferentes etapas de la maternidad, incluida la crianza de recién nacidos, niños pequeños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes para ayudarlas a prepararse para la etapa del nido vacío. En una sesión conmigo esperarás un ambiente acogedor, alentador y de apoyo. Proporcionaré un ambiente seguro donde las mujeres puedan discutir sentimientos íntimos de pérdida, estrés, ansiedad y / o depresión.

Ready to Move Forward?
Contact us to schedule a session to begin your work with Katherine Rivera today! To facilitate booking an appointment complete a inquiry form here.  

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